Consider running for municipal office, park district or school district! or volunteer to help a campaign!
School and community college boards have a direct impact on our taxes and our local education opportunities. Park district and library board decisions impact the availability of programs and resources for your family. Refer to your city web sites for specific information.
Become a Two Minute Activist!
On Capitol Hill AAUW’s advocacy tools make it easy for you to keep informed on the latest legislative issues affecting women and families and to take action.
With AAUW’s Two-Minute Activist, it takes just two minutes to make a difference — one minute to read, one minute to act. Join the AAUW Action Network to receive alerts about congressional actions that impact women and families.
Locate your members of Congress and get your e-mail in the express lane to the Hill.
VOTE: Every Election is Important
You cannot be too busy to VOTE! Request a Vote by Mail ballot and vote early at your convenience! Don’t say my vote won’t matter; remember the voters of Kansas who voted NO to banning abortion!
Your vote matters in so many ways: reproductive rights, climate change, LBGTQ+ rights, gun safety rights, rights to a complete and honest education in public schools, and Title IX protections against harassment in schools and colleges. In June, 2022 the right to an abortion was taken away in many states. Justice Thomas indicated that contraceptive and gay marriage rights will be considered next for reversal.
Yes, women have rights in Illinois; but the IL Supreme Court is our protection to keep those rights. If there are vacancies on the IL Supreme Court, be sure to check which candidates are pro-choice, support public schools and gun safety. Do your homework using the resources listed below and cast a vote for all the positions on your ballot.
The US Supreme Court judicial direction forecasts a bleak future for women, their career opportunities, economic security and their families. Women’s careers will become secondary to having children. Some women and their families will become totally financially dependent on their husbands like in the 1950’s. More families may live in poverty. In June 2022 the actions of the US Supreme Court disregarded legal precedence of 50 years, so any right we currently have can be revoked or taken away. Make a plan to VOTE! It is our voices in our government that will make the difference.
Election resources:
IL Pro-Choice Endorsements
ERA Coalition Elect Equality
US Reproductive Rights Champions
NOW Endorsements
Lookup IL Polling Locations
Sample Ballot Lookup
Illinois LWV Voter Guide
League of Women Voters Park Ridge
Election Information LWV